New approval | ECK series high-voltage DC contactor, filling the gap in the middle zone




As we all know, most of the contactors currently sold in the market are matched with 750V and 900V high-voltage switching capacity. With the increase of system voltage and energy density applied by customers, such voltage level is beginning to be a little tight. Even though there are higher voltage products on the market, they are larger in size and have low cost performance for most 1000VDC system applications, so they can not really be used as an alternative to meet the current changes in voltage and power requirements.

上新 | ECK系列高壓直流接觸器,填補中間地帶的空缺

上新 | ECK系列高壓直流接觸器,填補中間地帶的空缺

上新 | ECK系列高壓直流接觸器,填補中間地帶的空缺

上新 | ECK系列高壓直流接觸器,填補中間地帶的空缺

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